OXON HILL, Md., May 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Justice and Trial are major buzzwords these days. A new motion picture explores both in their rawest element. Chad Cooper on Trial is set to continue production in Mid-Late May. Chad Cooper on Trial features Con-Artist and Swindler Chad Cooper as his crimes culminate in a wacky quirky trial. The story follows Chad Lawson Cooper as he visits black churches, businesses, individuals, and organizations and solicits their contributions while promising significant return, but the catch is he never pays or plans to pay them back. During his crime spree Cooper rakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars that he spends on colorful suits, trips, and renting luxury cars. This is until one church woman decides that enough is enough and works to rally victims together, warn others and take Chad Cooper on Trial. Will Justice Prevail? Or will Cooper continue to swindle and con? This will be perfect outlet for fans of Gospel Music. Filming will be on location in Atlanta, GA with sites in Oxon Hill, MD and Quincy, Florida.
This production is a part of the major upcoming studio Chad Cooper Company. The company has secured $100,000 for the film budget and hopes to involve the local community in the real life experience of taking Chad Cooper on Trial for his crimes. Whether you are part of the experience or not, you will walk away with a new awareness of a type of criminal slipping through the cracks of the justice system and how loyalists can help obstruct the process. You may be familiar with plays like Church Mess, Revival, and Justice on Trial the Movie 20/20. This film is set to be the flagship of the line. To learn more visit www.chadcoopercompany.com to watch the trailer visit: https://vimeo.com/535964526
#justiceontrial2020 #thechadcoopercompany #gospel #quincyflorida
#chadcoopercompany #chadlawsoncooper #revivalmovie
Media contact:
Robinson Lawson
SOURCE Chad Cooper Company